Wednesday, April 22, 2009

AMAZING! It's "Lint" Eastwood! ! ! Made my day!

Well. Just when I think it's safe to clean the lint screen, this is what happens. I don't know about you, but I'm almost expecting it to say something about making his day.

But I'm hoping that these lint people don't start talking to me. That would be a bit over the top.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Land of Lost Socks

My husband of the theory of lost socks (see sidebar) found this T-Shirt for me on Shirt Woot. (Great site, different T-Shirt each day) This just may explain where all the socks go once they leave your house. You can see the vortex at the top where they come down and join the fun. No wonder they disappear!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Marilyn Monroe!

WOW! It must be MARILYN MONROE! I thought nothing could top seeing Jay Leno (because Jay Leno is great!) or that French philosopher in my lint, so this was a surprise! Are my missing socks really being ground up into celebrities, philosophers and Tonight Show hosts?*

In any case, this one’s for sale. Click here if you want to get your very own Mari"lint" Monroe!

If you just want to navigate off this page into something completely normal and not bordering on the questionable at all, click here.**

*Rhetorical question. Do not answer.

**Good luck with that.Seriously, you should know me better by now.